Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Why We Love Cellulite (And You Should, Too!)

Let us start with... What is cellulite?

'Orange Peel Syndrome'
Everyone has strands of connective tissue that separate fat cells into compartments and connect fat tissue to skin. Also known as the 'orange peel syndrome'. In women, these fibers form a honeycomb-shaped pattern, so any increase of fat tends to bulge out like stuffing in a mattress. So.. The lumpiness of cellulite is caused by fat deposits that push and distort the connective tissues beneath skin, leading to the characteristic changes in appearance of the skin.

!! Cellulite is not related to the condition known as cellulitis, which is a spreading bacterial infection or inflammation of the skin and tissues beneath the skin. !!

Cellulite is most common around the thighs, saddlebags and buttocks, but it can be found on the breasts, lower abdomen and upper arms as well. Mild cellulite can be seen only when the skin is softly pinched - the dimpling appears in the pinched skin. More-severe cellulite makes the skin appear rumpled and bumpy with areas of peaks and valleys. Grade III. We'll talk about the grades in a moment. :)

Can men have cellulite? Tweet it! :)

Yes. But you see less cellulite in men because their fibers run horizontally, forming a crisscross pattern that prevents better - bulging or dimpling.

Cellulite is a condition that affects 90 percent of women and 10 percent of men, and this, mostly in industrial life-style nations. As women start approaching menopause, estrogen starts decreasing. From the age 25 to 35 is when you start seeing the appearance of cellulite [In most]. Estrogen has an impact on the blood vessels. When estrogen starts to decrease, you lose receptors in blood vessels and thighs, so you have decreased circulation. With decreased circulation you get less oxygen and nutrition to that area, and with that we see a decrease in collagen production…. [Also, at this time] fat cells start becoming larger, they begin protruding through the collagen [and become the bumpy fat known as cellulite].

Our SoaparcadiJuniper Cellulite Soap has more than 400 [90% Tirana] likes! Check here* [opens in a new tab] if one of your friends already liked it! Or be the first! :)

We concentrate to improve the veins in the effected area. Increase the blood circulation so you get more oxygen and nutrition to the area. So the fat can burn much more easily. We prevent fat-creation at those area's as well. We go for a whole detox. To distress your body entirely. We offer you more. We can't promise you the easy fix. Or we would be billionaires by now. :) But we can help you. Did we mention the cellulite tea (Salix Alba L, Rosmarinus Officinalis, Tillia Cordata, L) and the cellulite cream?

You Next Summer?
Women tend to get cellulite on the thighs, saddlebags and buttocks, because they have three layers of fat in these areas [instead of just one]. Women also have three levels of fat in the stomach and in the triceps areas.

What about the grades of cellulite??

Yes. The grading scale for cellulite was devised in 1972 by Nürnberger and Müller. This scale involves four separate grades. To determine what stage you are, you look into a mirror over your shoulder and examine your buttock and thighs.

Grade 0 (No Cellulite) No dimpling when you are standing or lying. The pinch test reveals "folds and furrows", but there is no mattress-like appearance.

Grade I (Mild Cellulite) No dimpling when you are standing or lying, but the pinch test reveals the mattress-like appearance.

Grade II (Moderate Cellulite) Dimpling appears spontaneously when standing, but is no longer visible when you lay down.

Grade III (Severe Cellulite) Dimpling is spontaneously positive when you stand or lay down.

Soaparcadia-care is most effective in Grades 0, I and II, if by effective you mean seeing the least amount of the original cellulite after treatment. But when you have Grade III cellulite, with lots of depressions and dimples, you may not make it perfect but you [too] can get a wonderful improvement that will make almost anybody very happy. Especially considering the degree of change and the previous impossibility of doing anything for this problem.

Formation Of Cellulite In The Skin
Does cellulite serve a purpose? What causes cellulite?

I believe it has an evolutionary purpose to think about our allround health. That is one reason why we 'love' it. :) I think as people have evolved in an industrial society, we've become lazier. Our jobs are sitting at a desk, answering the phone. We don't go to the gardens and pick our food - we drive to the store and park in the spot closest to the building. So we've become more sedentary as a culture.

The bulk of the articles on cellulite in the scientific literature started in about the late '70s, but you could say women didn't expose their legs much before then. What I tried to do is find old picture books, women in the 1950s or 1960s…. When you find these pictures, women had perfect legs. And back in the '40s and '50s they didn't have the computer programs to retouch those photos.

Why do some women have more cellulite than others??

When you see women in developing countries [who don't have much, or any, cellulite], you see the kind of work they're doing and the kind of food they're eating. They're eating all organic foods, they're constantly moving from the time they get up. These women are washing clothes in the river. Getting water [in an industrialized country] means getting up and going to the fridge or faucet. For women in developing countries, they're walking to the river and coming back carrying a heavy container. So the physical activity levels in industrialized nations have decreased.

Ask us about our exercises that target cellulite!

Underwear? Love the right underwear??

Many women wear regular underwear with elastic across the buttocks. When you see panty lines, it's cutting off circulation - just think what it's doing to your body. Look, take a tourniquet, put it around your leg and see what happens. And a lot of women wear underwear under panty hose. The panty hose force the lymphatic drainage back into the body. It's like turning the hose on and clamping it so every thing gets backed up.

Cellulite didn't become a problem until the 1970s and 1980s when the diet and activity and underwear started changing. Back in the '20s, women wore longer skirts and the underwear was loose, almost like walking free pajamas. Cellulite is always underneath where the elastics go, and if you draw an invisible line where the cellulite is, you will see where the panty lines are.

Does diet play a big role in the amount of cellulite people get?

Diet does play a role, because look, women in Asia, what do they have for breakfast? Noodles - it's a high-calorie meal, but when they go to work they burn those calories. In contrast, we eat these calories, then go to work and sit at a desk. Think of those [fat-producing] alpha receptors just waiting to rock and roll.

It's really a whole biochemistry. People tell you: Don't eat fat, don't eat sugar [or artificial sweeteners]. It's really more than that. It's hormone balance - you need to eat healthy, you need activity.

How big a role do genes play in cellulite levels?

There is a genetic component or predisposition to cellulite. But just because you have the genetic component doesn't mean you have to develop it if you do the right things: besides our Soaparcadihandmade crafts, eat a healthy diet, our suggested exercises, and skip restrictive underwear.

Can I move away the cellulite?

With the right exercise plan, you can reduce your cellulite and make your lower body look smoother and firmer. The trick is working all your lower body muscles from every angle, reducing the underlying fat stores and replacing lost muscle tissue to give the area a taut, toned appearance throughout.

So why do we love cellulite?? Because now we have more reason to eat good [colorful healthy], moving with joy, and walk more free ;)

Contact us now*. For your cellulite-action-plan. :)

What is the best course of action?
What are my options?
What will it cost?
What results can I expect?
Why is it good / IDEAL to start in September, October?? 
What kind of follow-up, if any, will I have?
Can I have a personal FREE full of information cellulite-talk? Of course!
I heard about about cellulite tea, do you have?

To that last question we can already answer you with a full YES! :) (Limited Supply!)

Thank you very very much for your time, for reading! Please share with your best friends. Namasté.

Pick your deal.. :)

Order now our Cellulite Serum and get the Cellulite Soap for free.
Order now our Cellulite Cream + Cellulite Scrub, get the Cellulite Soap and sampler of Cellulite Serum for free.
Order the FULL package* now in September and get a super 25% reduction!!

*(Full info talk, exercises, soap, cream, scrub, serum)

Tell us what you want (Soap, Cream, Lotion, Balm, Massage-Oil, ...). You want an authentic and original fresh craft made for you 100% Natural and especially handcrafted for you! Feel Sssuper to Contact us. :D (Exclusively in Tirana, Belgium and now also Germany!) facebook/inbox/soaparcadia

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