Sunday, September 14, 2014

Royal Jelly From The Green Mountains Of Albania

Ours Is From the Green Mountains Of Albania
Royal Jelly is a creamy, milky secretion produced by worker honey bees (also referred to as nurses). It typically contains about 60% to 70% water, 12% to 15% proteins, 10% to 16% sugar, 3% to 6% fats, and salts, and amino acids. Its composition varies depending on geography and climate. Our Royal Jelly comes from first hand out of the green mountains of Albania! :) This product gets its name from the fact that bees use it for the development and nurturing of queen bees.

It also contains numerous vitamins (2%) and minerals such as vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, acetyl-choline and zinc, all of which are excellent for the skin. Studies indicate that the acids found in Royal Jelly contribute to its collagen production and promotion.

Royal Jelly, also often called "milk of bees" by many people, cannot be duplicated in any laboratory due to its complex structure and is a more expensive item on the shelf, but it became increasingly more and more popular as a beauty bee product. Precious and rare, and treasured as a beauty secret of royalty, this special "jelly" is believed to be able to nourish the body on the inside and revitalizes on the outside. More and more young women are beginning to talk about what this stuff is as its benefits are extensively associated with healthier skin and a more youthful appearance. We don't only use it as a dietary supplement, but we also can add it to our lotions, creams, balms, ...

NOTE: On demand we at Soaparcadia add this wonderful ingredient to the craft of your choice! Contact info at the end :)

The health benefits of Royal Jelly (RJ) are extensive and universities around the world are now studying this magical compound more and more frequently in an attempt to further understand it.

Anti-oxidant power

Antioxidants are all the rage today and for good reason. When your cells oxidize, YOU oxidize and that leads to greater instances of cancer, heart disease and other degenerative conditions.

We've all seen a peeled apple turn brown within minutes - well, that is literally what happens to your cells over your lifetime. But scientists have discovered certain foods have massive amounts of antioxidants that slow and even stop this process.

RJ Royal Jelly
Royal Jelly just so happens to be one of these foods. As reported in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry in 2008, RJ contains very high amounts of several antioxidants.

Royal protection

The amount of environmental pollutants accumulating in our water, air and land is staggering. Unfortunately, there is no way to completely avoid exposure to all of these toxic substances. The next best thing is to protect yourself with compounds that have the ability to limit the cellular damage that these toxic compounds cause in the body.

Scientists set out to find if RJ is one of them. They took onion cells and exposed them to both toxic petroleum waste with royal jelly and without at different doses.

What they found was that each dose of RJ provided protection against the waste-water toxicity, and the strongest protective effect was observed at the highest dose.

So what does this all mean? Well, for one, RJ is a strong anti-oxidant. And two, it appears to show promise in being able to protect us from the many toxins in the environment today.


If only there existed a cream that was 100% natural, free of all chemical preservatives and fragrances AND hand-crafted in small batches.

A Royal Jelly face cream that repaired dry skin, cleared up blemishes, didn't clog pores or feel heavy and just plain WORKED for all skin types. A cream you could feel good about putting on your face and/or body.

Po, ka. :)

A direct line for all your wishes.

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