Sunday, August 24, 2014

Enjoy Some Calming Music.. Enjoy Our Crafts..


Our 100% Natural Soaps

Tiranatural, you've come to the right place! :)

Let us start with something we are proud of. With something mild, gentle and nourishing. We start with one of our first more succesful crafts. Our Soaparcadia's Pure Olive Castile Soap.

True Castile soap is made purely with olive oil. Free of synthetic fragrances and preservatives, our pure Castile soap is gentle enough for even the most sensitive skin. The natural soap making process, also known as saponification, produces glycerine, which is a natural moisturizer. However, large companies often filter the glycerine out and use it to make lotions and other moisturizers. On the other hand, using our Castile soap entitles your skin to the benefits of glycerine, moisturizing your skin naturally.

We also have: Detoxx Soap, Avocado Stretchmarks Soap, Oily Skin Soap, Juniper Cellulite Soap, and soaps on your request!

35usd / 3500l
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7usd / 700l
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7usd / 700l
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Creams, Lotions and Balms

✓ Tirana's 100% Organic Stretch Marks Lotion. A #natural and #healthy way in preventing the further development and reducing the stretches already created. And there it is, for mamas, during and post pregnancy, or for those who had weight changes. For this and more about our other creams, lotions and balms.. Hmm.. Feel Ssuper to contact us. :)

30usd / 3000l
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35usd / 3500l
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45usd / 4500l
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15usd / 1500l
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You got a wish. A cream, lotion, balm? You want an authentic fresh craft made with one of these amazing oils. 100% Natural and especially made for you. Feel Sssuper to contact, now that you found us. :) (Exclusively in Tirana & Belgium)

40usd / 4000l
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20usd / 2000l
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15usd / 1500l
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15usd / 1500l
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15usd / 1500l
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15usd / 1500l
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Essential Oils

Essential oil benefits include that they are high in antioxidants. We know that antioxidants reduce the risk of age related conditions, eliminate free radicals and prevent cell mutations! Ask us for our blends. No-Mosquito, Pine-Forest, No-Tobacco, Goodnight, Spring-Fresh, Relax, or Summersweet.

10usd / 1000l
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10usd / 1000l
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10usd / 1000l
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10usd / 1000l
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Hover Over This Image :)

And more..

✔ Tirana's Hairy Fairy. A Nourishing SERUM for your scalp to prevent and stop hair loss. Grow Naturally Silky Hair. It starts from the roots. 100% ORGANIC !!

✔ Red Clay Powder for Dry, Sensitive and Mature Skin. One of the most popular clay's for facial masks is red powder clay, or Rhassoul, its Origin is Morocco. Red powder clay helps in skin conditions such as rosacea from broken capillaries, sunburn, eczema and psoriasis. The clay helps re-balance dry, flaky, or mature skin, reduce sensitivity and improves the skin's texture and elasticity. Women also use red powder clay masks to reduce bags under the eyes and as moisturizer for normal skin types.

For more, contact, mail or give us a call :)

We also offer green, white, yellow, and pink clay!

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15usd / 1500l
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8usd / 800l
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13usd / 1300l
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7usd / 700l
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30usd / 3000l
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Beauty From Inside Out

Beauty is an inside job. How many of us stop to consider that our outer layer is a reflection of our inner processes, completely reliant on the health of the 50 trillion cells that we are made of? And the health of those cells is impacted by everything from the food you eat, the nutrients present or missing from your blood, and the hormones and messages your body makes based on whether your thoughts are fearful or loving. There is a thought to hug. :)

15usd / 1500l
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15usd / 1500l
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15usd / 1500l
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15usd / 1500l
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Our Specialities & Offers (Contact Us Now)

Soaparcadia believes in holistic health. Holistic health is based on the law of nature that a whole is made up of interdependent parts. The earth is made up of systems, such as air, land, water, plants and animals. If life is to be sustained, they cannot be separated, for what is happening to one is also felt by all of the other systems. In the same way, an individual is a whole made up of interdependent parts, which are the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. When one part is not working at its best, it impacts all of the other parts of that person. Balance.

We love to hear from you! :)

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